April 7, 2010

What Makes a Perfect Parent?....Idk but reading this chapter doesn't help

This chapter was a little grueling to get through and I had to slowly trudge along. I was looking for something a little more interesting after the last chapter being so statistically filled, I wanted something with more of a hook. I did not find what I was looking for. 

This chapter was about what makes a good parent but honestly 3/4 of it was so contradictory and confusing I had trouble staying awake or following the reasoning behind the authors. They started a paragraph with a reason and then ended it with a question contradicting it and then explained the contradiction in the next paragraph and it kept going back and forth back and forth for what seemed like forever. 

The last ten or so pages however did kind of break it down better. They spelled out the main factors for a child scoring well in their first few years in school and the correlation to the parents involvement.

What they found was that most factors that influence young kids to do better on their tests isn't what their parents do but what they are. For example if the parents are smart the kids too will be intelligent. I was kind of interested in this point because I've always noticed that some families are just all very intelligent and the kids follow the parents. Also it kind of did seem to be like well if your parents aren't smart you're kind of screwed aren't you kid? But the truth is, which they lightly touched upon is work ethic really matters, but I supposed not until you're older. 

I also thought it was interesting the correlation the book showed regarding adoption. It said that parents who put their children up for adoption had lower IQ's therefore their kids scored lower on their tests. It seemed that parents really do matter, but age? How does age matter?

One factor they also mentioned was that mothers who waited until they were 30 to have their first child were more likely to have children score higher on their tests. I always thought that mothers who had their kids as they got older had an increased chance of having a baby with a mental disability. I suppose that would be older than 30, but it totally does make sense that a mother would wait until she was 30 because then that could mean she was working on her career. The mother also could  have been a recovering drug addict and finally got clean and had a baby. A lot of these statistics are kind of silly I think.

Honestly these correlations are pretty stupid because the bottom line is that if parents have high IQ's then their kids will too. That's it. I was getting sick with how the book was dancing around that for so long. I understand it was to lead us into the traditional ways we do and then showing us the truth, it just annoys me. 

Thank you authors for your godly knowledge. You better have written the rest of the book much better because you are seriously lacking here. Come on now!


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