January 31, 2010
Numerous Essays and Coffee Cups
January 30, 2010
Life According to TV
This reading I thought was a lot more interesting especially the Life According to TV article. It was talking about the different effects that tv has on people and the connection between the amount of the tv one watches and the thoughts they have. I have always heard tv brainwashes people, though I never fully believed it to be true. Through some of the studies they were discussing in the book, I was truly taken back and amazed at the true affect tv has. It said at one point that the more tv one watches, the more they start to agree with the ideas being presented. For example a survey was taken and heavy tv watchers said that it was okay to not want blacks to move into their neighborhoods and other racist ideas; I was appalled. I couldn’t believe it. I guess I was surprised that I had never seen it before and that I didn’t notice what was happening through tv. Blacks and other minorities are stereotyped on tv which millions of people see and therefore becomes propaganda of some kind of incognito white supremacy media group. It’s basically fucked up is the only way I can really describe it to be honest. The book also said that women were portrayed as weak on tv and therefore were more likely portrayed that way in real life, which is also seriously fucked. I’ve always heard people talking about how hard it is to make it as a woman in the corporate world, or I guess in any kind of discipline and now I understand that it truly is that hard. It must take amazing determination to fight such hidden adversary everyday because of the shows people are watching at home. Also young girls watching these shows think that they will have to grow up to be just like the women on tv, subservient wives to their husbands almost as second class citizens! I don’t accept that. It is sort of a tragedy thinking that somewhere in America little girls want to be doctors or lawyers but change their minds and just want to be one of the desperate housewives because its glamorous, it almost makes me sick.
The whole article in general really made me sick and afraid to watch tv. I had been thinking about getting cable for the tv in my dorm room, which is mainly used to play video games on, but now I don’t think I’ll be running to best buy for a cable wire anytime soon. I used to watch a lot of tv when I was little and I’m kind of afraid of the toll it has taken on me. It is basically a drug in my opinion and a very addictive one at that. People spend hours in front of the tv just starting at it. How can people say that drugs makes an individual stupid and that they just sit on a couch for hours killing their brain cells, but turn around and say that the two hour season finale of lost is on tonight? In my opinion they are the same thing. The difference between doing drugs and watching tv habitually is…I’m not sure what the difference is. You sit on a couch for hours doing nothing, you get stupider, according to the article you eat more, and then you get tired of sitting there and go to bed a worthless human being. They are the same thing exactly. Tv is a druggggggg!!!!!!! It is a very dangerous drug too, because it can brainwash people. The example I can think of best to describe that is campaign ads. When an election is coming up every other commercial is a campaign ad telling you that the Republican candidate beats baby seals on Christmas then the very next commercial is an ad telling you that Democratic candidate wants to pile all the garbage in the world on some obscure third world country and drop a nuke on the sucker. All these campaign ads run your mind this way and that and you don’t know what to think. You are being brainwashed and its very obvious, because when someone asks you about the democrat you immediately recite the nuke the scum campaign ad and when they ask you about the republican once again the ad takes over your mind and moves your mouth for you. The tv is nothing more than a dangerous source in which one can publicize his or her own ideals and slam it into the minds of millions of other people.
Next time I turn on the news I want to see a segment about the amount of brains that died today due to tv instead of the four people who died from swine flu.
Am I going to see that segment?
I guess I’m done watching the news.
Tv can make you high and if you’re not careful you’ll od, and you won’t be able to recover; you’ll just become another lost cause to file into the ranks of the ignorant mass.
Gtg. Jersey Shore is on!
January 25, 2010
Introduction to The World is a Text- First Reading
January 13, 2010
The Significance of My Name