This chapter discussed a lot about the crime rates in America during the late 80’s and the reason they decreased throughout the 90’s.
There were several reasons that were given in the beginning of the chapter and I could not tell which were the real reasons and which the media created. I liked how the chapter started though. I thought it was ironic that because the ruler in Romania banned abortion in the country all these unwanted babies were born who ultimately threw him out of power. The very people he virtually created hated him for their existence. It sounds like it should be in some type of movie, but it was real. I thought it was kind of a depressing and true take on life.
I personally happen to be pro-choice, as in I support a woman’s right to choose whether or not she wants to keep a baby. If a person doesn’t believe that they can give their child a good life, then they shouldn’t have a baby until they change that. I mean it is common for a parent to want the best for their child and want to give them whatever they need to succeed in life. If someone has a child that they do not feel the need to provide the best for, I do not see the child living a very good life. When a baby is unwanted he or she grows up in negligence from their parents which is no way to live, especially not when the child believes his parents hate him for something he did.
I can’t even imagine being a kid whose parents hate him and he doesn’t know why. That kind of guilt would be unbearable. What kind of parent would raise their child in that kind of environment?
I can understand and do believe that a rise in abortion would lead to a lower crime rate as was stated in the book. It makes sense. If a kid is wanted and grows up in a loving environment, it is more likely that he will be a law-abiding member of society. Of course there will be outliers, a person raised in the top 1% of the population can end up a crackhead just like someone in the lower 1% and someone in the bottom can move up to the top just as well, however it is not very likely for either to happen. Also not all people who do not want their children do not make horrible parents and grow to love their offspring, but more often than not they are not ideal for parenthood.
I believe that the number of abortions is directly connected to crime levels. Although the number of abortions are much higher than the number of homicides had those babies been born, society is better because of it. I do not believe that a fetus has any rights. It is the choice of the parent if the cell should ever grow into anything more, and that’s just the way it goes.
They only related the abortion rate to the crime level, but even though abortion numbers are higher than homicides as they said in the book, there are other consequences of not having abortions. Maybe all those babies when they grow up will not create havoc, but think about one kid being neglected by his mom who didn’t want him in the first place, then think about 15,000 more or 150,0000 more. That’s a lot of suffering. What about the car theft level attributed to these babies being born or robberies or child mortality rate or the rise in homeless people or kids? These are all factors the authors failed to mention in the chapter.
Overall this chapter was a little fact and number intensive and I hope the next one is a little more interesting as chapter 3 was.
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